Can we cook both menus Signature Thai and Northern Thai in one day ?
No, you have to choose only one menu because cooking steps and timing are difference. Both menus you can cook in a vegetarian version.
What time will we start and finish ?
I will pick you up 9 AM. at hotel and finish around 2 PM.
Should I have a breakfast before a cooking class ?
You may have a light beakfast such as coffee & toast or fruit juice. We will cook a lot of delicious Thai foods.
Is the price included a transportation pick up and drop off at hotel ?
Yes, the price is included pick up and drop off at any hotel in the old city area. If a hotel is far from the old city, an additional charge may apply.
Can we cook only 1 person and the other just follow ?
Yes, an additional charge for the extra ingredients and transportation for follower is 500 Baht.
Is it hot in a kitchen during summer or dry season ?
I have an air-conditioner at my house. It helps us a lot.
Is it possible to bring a baby with us ?
Yes, I have a baby seat in a car and playpen/playyard at my house you can use. Please let me know in advance to set up it.
Payments (You can just pay me on a cooking day)
1. Cash 教室の日現金で払えます。
2. Credit Cards VISA MASTER JCB UnionPay
Chat with me via WhatsApp or FB Messenger or LineApp
or E-mail me : ThaiFoodWorkshop@gmail.com
or call me (sometimes I’m busy) : (+66) 09-567-44550
Student Discount (Signature & Northern)
A gap year – 100 Baht discount : get a Thai food cooking skill during a gap year in Chiang mai
Student under 22y – 100 Baht discount : learn to cook Thai food during your school break
Take a cooking class Chiang Mai is the best souvenir for your friends and family.