Jin Som – fermented pork จิ๊นส้ม

Jin Som is the Northern Thai fermented pork wrapped in banana leaf. “Jin” means meat(pork, beef, buffalo) and “Som” means sour taste. After 3 days of fermentation, we can use it for cooking several dishes in soup, stir-fry, grill. The most well-known dish is grilling with an egg which is called “Jin Som Mok Kai” จิ๊นส้มหมกไข่.

Jim Som is made with minced pork, pork rind, garlic, salt and steamed sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves twice to make an airless environment for 3 days of fermentation with an anaerobic process.

Written by Nitipong M. (Mr. Arm) a cooking instructor who growing up from Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand

Restaurant Guide in Chiang Mai by the FullTable food tour

  1. Huen Pen เฮือนเพ็ญ on Ratchamanka Road
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